Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Bioinformatics - Training activities



Cross-disciplinary training activities

The URV offers a range of cross-disciplinary training activities that doctoral students can choose to complement their scientific training.

These activities are common to all doctoral programmes. They broaden the knowledge of students, fostering generic skills and interdisciplinary relations between them.

See the cross-disciplinary training activities for the current academic year

Specific training activities


  1. Development of communication skills and dissemination of research
    Each of the selection and progress review panels for the Doctoral Programme will organize annual progress review sessions that bring together doctoral students by research line. These sessions will also be used to develop students' research communication skills, which will be given particular attention during student presentations.
  2. Assistance to working doctoral groups
    Annually, the Doctoral Programme will organize a one-day scientific workshop. The PhD student must participate in at least 2 of these workshops, presenting a poster. The aim of the workshops is to present, share and discuss the state of the research process of the thesis project in its initial, central and final stages.
  3. Attendance at seminars or conferences given by experts in the field of knowledge
    The Doctoral Programme will organize a series of scientific seminars, at least 2 per course, in order to improve the PhD student's knowledge about the topics related to the PhD thesis research. The PhD student must attend at least 3 of these seminars per course. The seminars will be taught by researchers of international prestige, on the topics covered by the Programme.
  4. Presentation of a communication (poster or oral) in national or international congress
    The presentation of the own investigation, as well as the discussion of it in front of a public with formation in the exposed subject, suppose one of the most useful forms of learning and improvement of the researching activity. In this sense, the framework of an international congress, dedicated specifically to the subject in which the thesis work of the PhD student is included and in which important researchers in their field of study are participating, is a fundamental test in the definitive and complete training of the future researcher.
  5. Preparation of a research article, sent to an impact scientific journal
    The most representative results of the student will be presented in the form of a scientific article. As part of the preparation of the PhD thesis, and as a fundamental element in the development and training of future researchers, it is pertinent to work intensively on the formal and content capacity of the students of the PhD programme for the development of its optimal scientific activity within the framework of the international research community. For this, it is essential that they know the mode, the mechanisms, the tools, the expository and formal strategies and the usual requirements for the publication of a research article in indexed periodic publications.

    To complete the PhD, the student must have at least one article accepted for publication in an international indexed scientific journal, being the first author, or being able to prove the student is the main author of the work.

  6. Preparation of a research-stay plan
    In line with recommendations from the Comisión de Verificación y Acreditación de Planes de Estudios del Consejo de Universidades, the PD in Bioinformatics actively promotes internationalization of research during the PhD studies, including research stays abroad. PhD students holding a fellowship or contract from a program offering travel bursaries will be required to fulfill, as long as it is feasible, the conditions to opt to the Mención de Doctorado Internacional. To this end, the student will need to present a research-stay plan to the program's Academic Commission during the first year.


  1. Research stays in national or foreign centers, public or private.
    In order to obtain the International Doctoral Research Recognition, during the period of training necessary to obtain the title of doctor, a minimum stay of three months must be made outside the Spanish State in a prestigious higher education institution or research center, different to that in which they have studied or done research. The stay and activities must be endorsed by the thesis supervisor and authorized by the academic committee and must be incorporated into the document of activities of the PhD student. This stay can be fragmented, provided that the total time is equal to or greater than three months, but must have been done in the same institution. The training period is considered from admission to the PhD programme. The Programme will encourage these international stays, so that even if they are optional, they will be carried out by a majority of PhD students.