Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Bioinformatics - Introduction



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Dr. Sergio Gómez Jiménez   phd.bioinf(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
Dr. Sergio Gómez Jiménez   Dr. Santi García Vallvé
Dra.  Marta Sales Pardo   Dr. Oscar Yanes Torrado
Dr. Margarida Julià - UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)   Dr. Rui Alves – UdL (Universitat de Lleida)
Dr. Beatriz López - UdG (Universitat de Girona)   Dr. Ferran Prados – UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Dr. Marta Casanelles – UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)   Dr. Jordi Villà – UVic-UCC (Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya)
Dr. Sergio Gómez Jiménez – URV   Dr. Alexandre Sánchez - UB (Universitat de Barcelona)
Places available 

Bioinformatics is a strongly interdisciplinary and transversal strategic discipline which is currently experiencing a major expansion both on an academic and professional level (hospital, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, agro-food sectors, etc.). The explosion in the number of biological data processed by hospitals and companies (the Big Data paradigm) and the need to design procedures for their interpretation are the main reasons for the growing demand for people trained in bioinformatics engineers with a high level of training.

The PhD programme in Bioinformatics aims to train researchers to a level of excellence and make them capable of bringing new methods, knowledge and tools for computational analysis or the development of models in life sciences. This PhD programme study offers continuity to existing studies at Bachelor's (interuniversity) and Master's (different participating universities) level in Bioinformatics.

With the objective of establishing a potent degree in this area, which is able to attract the best students and turn them into the best researchers and professionals, the programme includes top experts from eight Catalan universities in the different areas which make up Bioinformatics. The programme also has the participation of the Barcelona Bioinformatics Association (BIB) which brings together universities, research centres and companies with the aim of positioning Barcelona and Catalonia among the world leaders in bioinformatics.

High level research training in bioinformatics prepares students for a broad range of professional and academic entry points, since there is an increasingly large demand for professionals at this level in hospitals, companies, and the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agro-food industry.

The companies in these sectors are very active in research, development and innovation since this activity is essential for maintaining or improving their competitive level.