Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Gender Studies: Culture, Societies and Policies - What do we research on?



The doctoral programme in Gender Studies: Culture, Societies and Policies comprises eighth research lines. The teaching staff taking part in the programme are members of the five participating universities. Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), University of Barcelona (UB), University of Girona (UdG), University Rovira i Virgili (URV), and University of Vic (Uvic). The lines of research and the teaching staff are detailed below.

1. Territory, migration and globalization

It articulates research in areas that gravitate to the territory and the population in relevant current aspects such as mobility, multiculturalism, community, well-being, the relationship between the global and the local, from a critical and intersectional perspective.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Women, Gender, Agriculture and Rural Development, b) Gender, Urbanism and Urban Public Spaces, c) The various Geographies of Gender and daily life, d) Gender, Uses of Time, and Public and Private Spheres

2. Labor, time and markets

It is a research line analytically enriched in recent decades by interdisciplinary reflections made by historians, economists, specialists in business organization, sociologists, social and cultural anthropologists, pedagogues, specialists in the theory and history of communication, geographers and, likewise, experts specialized in public law and historical-legal sciences.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Conciliation and sexual division of labor, b) Discrimination / equality, c) Social evolution of work: society and gender, d) Work, gender and migration, e) Cultures of the productive and reproductive work.

3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions and rights.

This line brings together areas that involve different identities: bodily, personal, social. It deals with affective and family relationships and the policies that arise around them, the relational and social inequalities that they generate, as well as the policies and laws that regulate it.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Body identities. Sex, race and culture, b) Family diversity, well-being and family policies, c) Affective relationships, d) Legislation and gender.

4. Social movements, activisms and gender policies

It is a research line that, thanks to the critical methodology on the study of social formations, has been renewed since the 1980s. The gender perspective has enriched the study of social mobilizations, cultures and political institutions, as well as the processes of social promotion led by women in contemporary society. Thus, the critical capacity of the history of women and gender has been redoubled, which played a pioneering role in the establishment of this type of studies in Spain.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) The typology of social movements and the overcoming of the pre-industrial model: the moral economy of gender, b) Social analysis of the processes of citizen participation: social promotion and women's politics in the contemporary world, c) The biography of women and gender.

5. Power relations and patriarchal violence

This line of research, due to its complexity, combines several approaches. From a multidisciplinary perspective, the legal, sociological, psychological, educational and historical fields appear. It focuses on the treatment of physical, psychological, discursive and symbolic violence, whether in the interpersonal sphere as well as in the work and institutional sphere. It also includes the actions, movements and initiatives that propose to provide care to the affected people after the violence has occurred, as well as its prevention and eradication.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Legislation and gender violence; b) Detection, prevention and intervention, c) Transformation of patriarchal identities and relationships: masculinity, sexualities and empowerment, d) Institutional violence, e) Social

6. Education and values

It is a line designed to carry out research that allows establishing continuity between the private life and the academic life of the students, to train them in values ​​that allow establishing equitable relationships between the sexes and with their social environment. Investigate the construction of new circuits that allow these students to go from their own privacy to the appropriation of scientific and cultural knowledge. One of the fundamental objectives is to highlight the knowledge of oneself and that of the people in the same environment to elaborate the universe of knowledge more linked to life experiences.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Materials on gender and values ​​issues, b) Models of personal relationship and gender in adolescents and young people.

7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

It is a line that raises the study of ideas about health, disease and dependencies treated from different perspectives: historical studies and beliefs about the notions of disease, as well as medical professions, especially in relation to the female body. It deals with the physical and mental ailments that appear today, dependent people and the consequent needs for care, as well as the role of women and institutions in these areas.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Dependencies: care and institutions, b) Social constructions of disease, health and the body: depathologization of mental and social ailments, c) Transformation of research protocols and non-androcentric health care, d) Women and ICT

8. Language, communication and artistic productions.

It is a line that addresses the female and male representations that in our society, explicitly or / and implicitly, are closed by the different artistic media: the novel, the theater, the cinema, and the media such as television, the press , etc. It also concerns the different ways in which these artistic and communication media are contemplated, assumed, by the public from a gender perspective; the sexist orientations that often appear in language, discourses, and literary figures that make up an important foundation of our culture. Finally, literature written by women allows us to glimpse the ways of contemplating the outer and inner world, the same culture, the same experiences as women.

The research areas of this line are, among others: a) Femininity and masculinity in artistic and communication media, b) Languages, literature and gender, c) Women, literary women and artists.