When the Academic Committee approves the thesis deposit, the Doctoral School (ED) will e-mail you the authorization of the thesis deposit issued by the Academic Committee, the invoice for the payment of the examination fees and the TDX contract.
1. Pay the doctoral thesis examination fees
With the invoice sent to you by the Postgraduate and Doctoral School you can pay the doctoral thesis examination fees.
Please bear in mind that until you have paid this fee, the Doctoral School will not be able to process your deposit application and forward it to the School Management Committee, which is the body that will give the final approval for the defence of your doctoral thesis.
2. Submit a bound copy of the doctoral thesis to the department's secretary's office (optional if required by the AC)
As soon as you are informed that your application has been authorized by the Academic Committee, you must hand in a bound copy of the thesis to the relevant department. Please get in touch with your department so that you know how many copies they require you to submit (at least one copy for the department, another for the URV and one each for the members of the examination panel).
3. Submit the TDX contract to the Doctoral School
Dissemination of the thesis
The URV is part of the TDX repository (on-line doctoral theses), which allows on-line access to full digital versions of doctoral theses defended at Catalan public universities. The aim is to use the Internet to disseminate the results of Catalan university research all over the world.
The TDX contract that you will be sent is essential if your thesis is to be a part of the TDX project (TDX website ) and must be duly signed and submitted to the e-mail tesis(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat in pdf format.
Likewise, and in accordance with RD 99/2011, the URV must also send a copy of the thesis and all other necessary information to the Spanish Ministry of Universities so that it can be added to the TESEO database.